vicks bph parole hearings



This File (pdf type)  contains ten (10) SAMPLE Letters of Support and one (1) SAMPLE letter from the inmate to the Commissioners. The packet was updated to contain one Sample Youth Offender Parole Support Letter (YOPH)  NOTE: These letters are addressed to the Commissioners of the Board of Parole Hearings (BPH) in the State of California. Families may also want to buy new 2024 TIPs for the inmate. (65+pages) to get a better understanding of the Parole Hearing Process, especially if it is an INITIAL Parole Suitability Hearing.

These letters are only an example to give you ideas of what can be written in a letter. We urge you to write your own letter in your own words. By writing your own letter it will make it more convincing and heartfelt by the Panel who hears the evidence presented during the Parole Hearing.

Some Commissioners will take the time to read all the letters. Other Commisisoners will "gloss" over the letters looking for "key" words such as "he can come and live with me", make sure to highlight or BOLD those "key" words in your letter so it jumps out off the page at the reader.

The Family and/or Friend can enclose photos of themselves and their home in their Support letter.

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